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More than a cosmetic procedure…

Replacing missing teeth is not just a cosmetic process. Having a full set of teeth is also vital in ensuring the health of your mouth and improving your general well-being.

Four implants could remove the need for either traditional removable dentures or for a lengthy treatment process involving multiple implants. With this revolutionary procedure you can have a full set of replacement teeth in just one day, with only four implants needed to fix your sets of teeth. The implants are placed at the front of the mouth, where the jaw bone is denser and stronger.

This technique delivers optimum results in the shortest possible time, with minimal discomfort and interruption to your normal daily activities. If you choose to replace your dentures with dental implants, you will never have to remove your teeth for cleaning again as they are cleaned and maintained just like a natural set of teeth. 


Benefits of dental implants

  • Requires minimal recovery time
  • Reduces overall cost when compared to single implants
  • Eliminates the need for bone grafting, in most cases
  • Allows for easy maintenance through proper oral hygiene
  • Restores the ability to eat all types of foods
  • Relieves many frustrations associated with removable dentures
  • Long-term results with the potential to last a lifetime
  • Rejuvenates facial appearance
  • Creates “smile confidence” in just one day
  • Enhances sense of well-being